abstract submission
The 13th Public Health Conference in Reykjavik Iceland 2022
“Health and wellbeing for all – heading for the future”
Authors are invited to submit abstracts to the conference. Abstracts should be submitted through the abstract submission form. All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by members from the scientific committee.
Abstracts should be written in English and have to be structured in this order:
- Background
- Aims
- Method
- Results
- Conclusion
The overall agenda of the conference will run along the three main categories of Determinants of health and wellbeing, Policies and public health and Data driven public health.
Determinants of health and wellbeing include social, environmental and commercial determinants. Within the category are the work on social sustainability, the sustainable development goals, private vs public partnerships and individualism vs materialism.
Policies within public health include health and wellbeing in all policies, both local and on governmental. It is important to learn from the experience in public health work and realize the close connection between policies and practice. This include health promotion at the local level, health in all policies, setting based health promotion and asset based public health.
Data driven public health focuses on what works and why by using measurements/monitoring and knowledge within the field. It is important to measure the right things and use the research and indicators that we have.
Submitting your abstract will require you to choose:
a) Research or Practice
b) Life course setting
c) Topic
d) Presentation Type
A) Research / Practice
B) Life course settings: (use for breakout sessions)
- Children and Schools
- Workplaces (Work &Organizations)
- Older people
- Local communities
- Society
- Other
C) Topic:
- Mental wellbeing
- Nutrition
- Physical Activity
- Sleep
- Violence and injury prevention
- Tobacco
- Alcohol and drug prevention
- Sustainable Development Goals
- COVID-19
- Environment
- Health literacy
- Other
D) Presentation Type
Invited Keynote
Invited speaker
Oral Presentation
Oral presentations offers presenters an opportunity to present their research through a 15-minute individual presentation in a 60 min session along with 3 other presenters. Individual Presentations should include (1) a title with a maximum of 25 words, (2) a separate max 250-word abstract, (3) a brief summary of the presenter’s education and work experience, and (4) an indication of General, Track and Theme categories to assist the Program Committee in choosing appropriate reviewers and an appropriately diverse set of topics.
Symposiums are 60-minute presentations by 3-4 individuals who address a common theme or topic in the field of public health. A minimum of 15 minutes should be reserved for questions from the audience and dialogue among presenters. Proposals that include participants from more than one nation will be given preference. Symposium submissions should include (1) a title with a maximum of 25 words, (2) a separate max 250-word overarching abstract, and (3) an indication of the Symposium’s General, Track and Theme categories to assist the Program Committee in choosing appropriate reviewers and an appropriately diverse set of topics. Submissions should also include, for each participant’s presentation (a) a title with a maximum of 25 words, (b) a separate max 250-word abstract, and (c) a brief summary of each presenter’s education and work experience.
Workshops are 60-minute, small-group interactive and experiential sessions that focus on either a specific public health intervention or assessment or a specific research method or tool. Workshop submissions should include (1) a title with a maximum of 25 words, (2) a separate max 250-word abstract, (3) a brief summary of the presenter’s education and work experience, and (4) an indication of General, Track and Theme categories to assist the Program Committee in choosing appropriate reviewers and an appropriately diverse set of topics.
Poster submissions should include (1) a title with a maximum of 25 words, (2) a separate max 250-word abstract, (3) a brief summary of the presenter’s education and work experience, and (4) an indication of General, Track and Theme categories (see above) to assist the Program Committee in choosing appropriate reviewers and an appropriately diverse set of topics.
Contact email regarding abstracts
Important dates
and deadlines
Registration is open
Call for abstracts
15 November 2021
Deadline for abstract submission
7 February 2022
Notification of abstracts before
20 February 2022
Early bird registration deadline
20 March 2022